Are you (urgently) looking for a free WordPress website for your company?

I will create the First Draft of Your Free WordPress Website, and you will add the magic!

  • Upload your logo, or use your company name.
  • Describe your business in your own words and enjoy professionally written, persuasive copy tailored to your business.
  • No images, not a problem. I will supply a selection of royalty-free images for your business.
  • Beautiful mobile-responsive designs.
  • Edit and change everything or nothing; it works “right out of the box!”*
    *Editing capabilities do require a WordPress hosting plan from

WordPress Hosting Services

A great way to get started on getting your website free is with One Example WordPress Hosting!

  • 1 Website
  • 10 GB NVMe storage
  • Unmetered bandwidth
  • Free SSL Certificate *
  • WordPress pre-installed with your FREE WEBSITE
  • Weekly backups
  • Web Application Firewall
  • Daily malware scans
  • One-time malware removal
free wordpress website

Our WordPress Hosting provides automatic setup, backups and software updates paired with 24/7, award-winning support. Get started in just a few clicks.

WordPress Theme for Free

Do you want to develop a strong internet presence for your company? Allow me to develop a unique WordPress website tailored to your exact requirements using Astra’s strong free WordPress theme. With my expertise, I will create the initial draft of your website, allowing you to add your own personal touch and make it truly magical.

Furthermore, my SEO WordPress Website Hosting Solutions will increase the visibility of your website and attract more visitors. To optimize your website for search engines, use my Bare Bone Business Builder Deluxe SEO WordPress Wizard. Begin right now and obtain a free WordPress theme.

The best is saved for last. Get started with your free WordPress website today!

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